Rowena Price

‘Emerging from the Haar’ – Coldingham Bay

Jackson's Painting Prize 2023, Bankside Gallery 2023
48 x 62 cm


“The twinkling sunlight ricocheting off the teasels gave a strident, sharp contrast with the moody, creeping headland emerging through the lifting haar over Coldingham Bay on the East Coast of the Scottish Borders. This absorbing moment of veiled beauty just had to be caught.
I was intrigued to see if charcoal, with all its tonal possibilities, would lend itself to capturing this mesmerising, melancholy seascape. I was able to interchange my mark making from drawing with easers into the charcoal to shape the contours of the misty murky headland appearing from the haar, against revealing the vivid white of the surf breaking on the rocks and shoreline, along with the crisp, sharpness of the sunlit teasels by scratching into the paper with a scalpel, whilst giving definition with harder, darker charcoal marks to describe the more distinctive forms and shading.”